
They loved it!

Beyond Rock was rated Excellent on 100% of feedback forms.

They want to come back!

100% of Beyond Rock feedback forms indicated an interest in future programs.

Here is what some of our Beyond Rockers had to say:

Ryan Ventimiglia
I learned not to be nervous on stage. You should just have fun and don’t worry. Now, I’m even better at the drums. They [the staff] were all great.
Rob Potestio
[I got] better stage presence and better guitar playing. Everybody was great.
Christian Knoch
In Beyond Rock, I got a lot of instruction on playing the guitar. It was great because it taught me how to play the guitar really well! Thanks to your great help it took a step further to my dream. They (the staff) were all great. (I loved) band practice, I had a great time there was a ton of laughs.
Tom Quinn
I learned more skills on guitar and keyboard. They helped a lot. I learned new songs also. The staff was great. Free time and Miles (improv/recreation) were two of the things I loved. I also loved band time.
Jack Mara
I became a better musician! I made great friends! They (the staff) were all good. The concert was awesome! Can’t wait until next year! 3 weeks would be great.
James Ladner
I improved a lot on my instrument, but also learned a lot about songwriting, jamming, and just the overall experience of playing in a band. All of the staff were very nice and very helpful. Everyone had a lot of very important things to input
Matt Vota
I learned how to play in a band, how to deal with unparticipating kids, how to create a song and the format; I finally learned how to hook up a PA system. (I loved) Miles (improv/recreation), band practice, songwriting, free time. I’ll be Beyond Rock next year. Miss ya
Martin Petrella
I liked everyone!!!!!!! I loved it all.

Here is some feedback from parents:

Kerri Potestio
Beyond Rock Camp was definitely the highlight of Robert’s summer (probably the highlight of his life, so far). Robert enjoyed the camp so much that he, and we, can’t wait to do it again. Robert made many good friends and learned so much. Personally he’s more confident with his musical talents.
Marianne Quinn
It was a wonderful experience for Thomas! He thoroughly enjoyed it! I looked forward to picking him up in the afternoons and watching the videos! The concert was awesome!
Michael Cassano
John did several types of camps (non-sleep away) this summer and he enjoyed Beyond Rock the best. I could tell all of the instructors were very enthusiastic about the program and enjoyed working with children.
Lois Leonardis
Eric is having a wonderful time. He finds your camp much more stimulating and enjoyable than the other rock camp. You guys are doing a great job.
Joe Monaco
Anthony was able to play his electric guitar and sing with abandon at Beyond Rock Camp. He felt safe, encouraged, and accepted. He learned the skills needed to play in a band. Not only musical skills, but inter-personal skills of cooperation, commitment and respect for others. He had fun, made new friends, and learned to focus. This camp exceeded all of our expectations!
Sandy Ladner
This was the perfect camp for James. It came at a time when he could really benefit from every aspect of the camp plus he had a great time. He would come home after playing at the camp from 9 am to 5 pm and then keep playing until 11 o'clock at night. He thought all the instructors were awesome. He especially thought Dawnette gave him confidence on stage. Being able to ask Mike Guido all kinds of questions on a daily basis really filled in the blanks for him.
Deborah Vota
Every aspect of the camp was great!
Michael Vota
I'll be Beyond Rock.
Rayna Petrella
Thank you for your innovative exciting and “full of fun” camp. We applaud your hard work and dedication to our children. I was thrilled to have my grandson enjoy the privilege you extended to him this summer.
Jorge Gardyn
A great experience; Expanded horizons for my son

Some parent letters:

Carol Knoch
"I cannot express to you how much Christian enjoyed Beyond Rock. Even Christian was taken by surprise. He saw the camp as pure fun through one of his favourite mediums: his favourite music, Rock and Roll. What he didn’t’ see was the growth in himself in that short week. He is still riding high!"

You and your wonderful staff of professionals, gave Christian a sense of self-confidence, the value of hard work (he practiced every minute of every night), a positive attitude towards constructive criticism, all culminating to a level of self esteem that his father and I have never seen in him.

He learned to make and laugh at his mistakes, he made wonderful friends with the other campers, and he even learned to appreciate the years of classically trained method piano lessons he has undertaken and continues. Of the camps he has participated in, Beyond Rock was the best in so many ways!

I’m sure you and your staff will continue the level of excellence that we now come to associate with Beyond Rock.

Beyond Rock Parent
I wanted to express the joy that your camp brought to my son this summer.

For years, he suffered with “stage fright,”... I was shocked when he spoke into the microphone in front of everyone and played the drums on stage.

My son loved the camp so much that he would want to come early and be picked up late. He thoroughly enjoyed every minute while he was there. The staff, his new friends and new found confidence made his summer very special.

He already wants to come back next summer… Thank you for a terrific experience.

Marie Elena Monaco
Thanks to the leadership and magic of Maria Sarro, Mike Russo, Mike Guido and their experienced teaching staff for providing a safe place for our middle school children to have fun making music while gaining communication skills and self-confidence. It was a vibrant program that the kids will never forget!